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We start this journey because of Putra’s story (putra is one of my friend). He told us about a waterfall that can we climb. The waterfall have 17 level and we can stand on the top of it. I really exited to prove the story. Local people in that place usually call it Sangkapane waterfall.

First, we go to Pinang Baris station from Medan. Then we go to Kuala Simpang by using bus for 2 hour. But we still have a long journey. After that, Putra take us to Bandar Pusaka using his car.

After take a break in putra’s house, we start our journey again. We have some additional participant (putra’s friends decide to join our tour for guiding us). We using truck this time. I can see palm tree along the road. The road is bad, I am being shaked in the truck. The truck stop at the gate of forest. From this place, we must walk by using our own foot.

For enjoying the waterfall, we must walk on slippery rock in the river. The track is not easy, but we really enjoy because of team who join in this journey is fun. After 2 hour, we finally arrive at the first level of the waterfall. I fell bleshing and thakfull for seing such of beautifull things like it. I can not wait to start to climb the second level of the waterfall. But unfortunately, I lose my energy. I stopped in the tenth level.

Before we go back, putra’s friend offere us to eat fish from the river. We absoluty said yess. And putra tell us about elephant and tiger that still alive in the forest, all of people in this place really exited to meet the animal except me (I relly thakfull we didn’t see them. We only see their muck).

But, I need to be honest that Sangkapane Waterfall and Tamiang Forest is one of the best place that I ever come. If you come to North Sumatera or Aceh, you must take this place on your scadule. 

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